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International Summer School of Documentary Theatre 

Archa Centre’s International Summer School is a platform for experimentation and investigation in the field of documentary theatre. 

Archa Centre’s International Summer School is a platform for experimentation and investigation in the field of documentary theatre. During the school, participant's take part in three main ateliers. Jana Svobodová’s atelier focuses on the textual sources and the use of Viewpoints technique in documentary theatre. This atelier was complemented with ‘Light as a space for action’, in which Pavel Kotlik introduces the principles of light design in the context of working with space, text, and movement. Ladislav Štěrba and Jan Sedláček provide the participants with the skills to create sound design for stage and Martin Krupa’s atelier focuses on experimental methods of using moving image in live performance.

The students are shown a method of creation using their learned skills to create short experimental performances.

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